Celery and speciality lettuce from Murcia and Almería in Spain are suffering drastic reductions in availability.

Juan Alfonso Sánchez, commercial director of G’s España, said: “We calculate that the volumes available are between 40 and 50 per cent less than normal. And not just in iceberg, but also in Little Gem and celery.”

The association of exporters and producers in Murcia, Proexport, has confirmed its dismal forecast issued last week that throughout the region and in neighbouring Almería, output until the end of the season will slump by 30 per cent.

Proexport director Fernando Gómez said that plantings have been seriously delayed because of unseasonably wet weather since the beginning of the year. He also appealed for understanding on the part of the region’s customers.

He said: “Situations like this must be understood by the large retailers because producers are serving their clients and meeting their demands as well as they are able.”