In an ever changing environment, at the FPC we are well aware of the need to stay one step ahead of the game and from this stance we are no different to the members we serve. Business practice is changing at a phenomenal pace and if we are to succeed it is vital we are on the money, understanding the needs of the industry and delivering an improved, meaningful service at every level.
On a practical note, we have recently purchased our Peterborough office - we have a great makeover planned for the coming months to provide a contemporary look and once completed, we hope you will visit, drop in for coffee or meet a contact here. Our first floor office is available to rent so if you are currently looking for office space we are situated seconds off the A1 and a 15 minute taxi ride from the station. There is also plenty of parking.
In the aftermath of Re:fresh I would like to thank you all for responding to last month’s rant and for making this year’s event a great success. Your comments were really encouraging and I believe we have a clear platform to develop the new format of the conference next year. Thanks to all sponsors and in particular our friends at Florette and Prophet, including new Florette MD and fellow Yorkshireman Neil Sanderson - we wish him success in his new post and look forward to working with him. Compere Hugh Dennis went down a storm, with on-stage compliments on the cuisine proving a great reward for the organisers and the hard work that goes into the detail. It was an honour to host Sir Ken Morrison - the hush that descended as his identity was revealed, followed by two standing ovations, gave a clear indication of the respect and esteem in which he is held.
Earlier in May we caught the 5.12am train to meet Helen Evans and Southwark College in New Covent Garden Market to discuss the displays for Re:fresh, which were sponsored by NCGM and created by Louise and her team of students. It’s always a treat to visit the market and our sincere thanks to Helen and Louise - the displays at Re:fresh were spectacular.
The following day we visited Nigel Harris at Fresh Direct and we were blown away - this is an entrepreneurial empire, rich in diversification and forward thinking, and one of the most impressive businesses in our industry. No surprise that the Re:fresh judges awarded two accolades including Overall Trader 2011 - this is a business of the future which hasn’t forgotten its past and can see the value in both.
We welcome Albert Bartlett as a new FPC member. A
Re:fresh winner in 2010 and finalist in 2011, this is another industry success story and we look forward to working closely in the future with an FPC Scottish tour definitely in the offing.
Our visit to the Port of Dover this month is proving popular. There are a few places left so contact Angie at the office if you can join us.