Funeral arrangements for Richard Parkes, the Redbridge man who tragically died aged 33 last month, have been confirmed. They are as follows:
Time: 2.00pm
Date: Thursday November 13
Location: Westfield Church, Westfield, East Sussex
There will be a wake / gathering following the funeral service. This will be held at the Brickwall Hotel, Seddlescombe, East Sussex TN33 0QA. (Tel: 01424 870785). There are rooms available for overseas visitors.
Richard’s family have left it to the individual to decide on flowers or donations. All donations will go to the Neurological Unit that treated Richard. Please make cheques payable to “Hurst Wood Park Neurological Centre”.Cheques and / or flowers should be sent to the Funeral Directors - Jempsons, 38 High Street, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 OEA (Tel: 01424 772029).