The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has welcomed the announcement of the Commons Transport Select Committee inquiry into freight transport.

“The Select Committee inquiry will provide the opportunity for the industry to demonstrate the cutting edge efficiency with which it operates, together with explaining the problems it encounters,” said FTA's policy director, James Hookham. “It will provide a platform to demonstrate how the government can take action to support the operation of the supply chain to the benefit of the economy, the consumer and the environment. FTA will be delighted to talk with the committee and assist it in any way it can on this important report.”

FTA has also welcomed the publication of the Select Committee report into the Draft Local Transport Bill and the Transport Innovation Fund, to which it gave both written and oral evidence.

The Committee's report supported a number of key points made by FTA. These included the opinion that local authorities must introduce improvements to local transport prior to any road-pricing scheme coming into force. The FTA also advised that governmental influence on the Senior Traffic Commissioner should be limited. The Committee said that it is critical that new powers vested in Passenger Transport Authorities regarding local transport issues should not bias decision-making to the exclusion of transport sectors such as freight.