The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has echoed the CBI's call that the UK transport system is in need of urgent investment, arguing that the issue is not whether the nation can afford to take action to reduce congestion but whether it can afford not to.
The FTA estimates that without action by 2010 the cost of congestion to the UK supply chain will have grown by £3.6 billion. For a fleet of 10 trucks this could result in additional costs of £80,000 a year as a consequence of reduced efficiency, increased journey time and extra mileage.
John Allan, president of the FTA and chief executive of Exel plc aired his feelings at the FTA annual dinner on October 27. He said: “As a society we all know about the importance of investment in health, education and law and order. But efficient transport is surely a prerequisite of modern life and makes its own very real contribution to the success of all these other matters. We have to renew and improve our transport infrastructure and we must do better. By improving transport we improve the quality of life for all citizens.”