Richard Henderson with his creation

Richard Henderson with his creation

The designer of a toastie made from apples and raspberries walked away from The British Sandwich Industry awards as the Kanzi-sponsored ‘sandwich designer of the year’.

Richard Henderson, a food technology specialist from the Foodservice Centre based in Chedder, Somerset, was shocked at the positive reaction to his design.

He said: “I decided early on that I wanted to do my own thing and go with a sweet sandwich and it’s very important to me that I stuck by my guns.”

The 42-year-old’s brioche, raspberry, Kanzi apple and mascarpone toastie combination beat the savoury competition at the awards, held at the Lancaster Hotel in London. The award was sponsored by Kanzi apples.

Jim Winship, director of the British Sandwich Association, said of Henderson’s design: “Innovation is a critical part of our industry and it is good to see it back on the agenda."

Crucially, the design showed the versatility of Kanzi as an apple for use in sandwiches and other recipes as well as a snack fruit.

James Simpson, MD of Kanzi supplier Adrian Scripps, said: "Not only did the sandwich look and taste great, it was innovative and had a point of difference to most - it was a rare sweet sandwich among a sea of savoury sandwiches.

"The product speaks for itself. Kanzi apples have a great texture and taste, do not turn brown quickly like most other apples and make for a delicious dessert variety."
