Welsh hoaxers are being hunted after a prank convinced a 94-year-old gardener he had a multi-fruit bearing tree.

According to local reports, the apple tree at Harry Tomlinson's garden in Abergele, north Wales seemed to be growing plums and blackberries as well as apples.

The bizarre occurrence attracted wide-spread local media coverage, but closer inspection revealed that the plums and blackberries had been cunningly stuck onto the tree.

Tomlinson’s apple tree had grown in his garden for 30 years before it appeared to start to bear plums and blackberries.

The discovery was treated with suspicion by horticulturists and further investigation revealed the truth that the fruit had been artificially attached.

Dr Colin Norton, of the Welsh College of Horticulture, said: "We're always interested in new plants but this one, from 10 yards away, you can see it's a hoax. It was quite evident that the leaves on the tree were the same throughout.

"The second indicator was that the fruits just didn't go with the particular leaves they were alongside."

Tomlinson admitted he had been tricked but remained mystified over who had stuck the fruit to the tree.

He added: "I've found that it isn't true and that somebody has made a joke. They've brought some plums from somewhere else and fixed them on. I think it's a rotten trick."