The Peninsula Healthy Living Partnership (PHLP) is donating a fruity face (fruit carrier) to every child in schools throughout Northern Ireland, to encourage each pupil to bring a piece of fresh fruit to school every day. These fruit carriers will be distributed along with a leaflet entitled “Fast Food 4 Fit Kids” - a produced by Ulster Cancer Foundation (UCF) and the Belfast Trust Community Dietitians as part of their work with the PHLP.

The leaflet, which aims to support busy parents with lots of easy recipes, hints and tips to save time and money, was initially distributed to schools in the Ards Peninsula, but will now be distributed by primary schools to parents throughout Northern Ireland.

“It has been estimated that diet is likely to contribute to the development of one-third of all cancers, and that eating more fruit and vegetables is the second most important cancer prevention strategy, after stopping smoking,” Clare Smith, cancer prevention officer with UCF said. “Our long term goal, at the UCF, is that local children will eat five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables each day - one portion is the amount that fits into a child's hand.”