Fruit and vegetables were on the menu for school children last week as part of a special competition.

Children from all over the country took part in the Grab 5 School Menu Challenge Final, in Leeds, organised by Sustain, the food and farming alliance and the Processed Vegetable Growers Association.

Secondary school children had to cook a two-course lunch for primary school children using five pieces of fruit and veg, to a budget of £2.

The challenge was set up to encourage children to think and eat healthily.

The young chefs had to stay cool in front of TV and radio crews while competing against the clock and each other.

Three primary school children aged nine and 10, from Birmingham, Dudley and Cornwall, gave their verdict after sampling the nutritious fare.

Sam Cooper and Gregory Armstrong, from Southlands High School in Chorley, cooked the winning lunch of Somersault Stir Fry and Forward Roll.

The boys were presented with £500 of kitchen equipment for their school. And £100 gift vouchers each.
