Areflh, the European association of regions producing fruit and vegetables, and Freshfel Europe have called on the European Commission (EC) to push forward the importance of fruit and vegetable consumption.

The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) and the EC have launched the Get Active! campaign, which is expected to reach 80-100 million people through a 30-second TV advert. EU health commissioner, Markos Kyprianou has announced that the TV advert, which aims to simulate European citizens to engage in more physical activities to avoid obesity, will be televised during half time of each of the 125 Champions League football games.

But both Areflh and Fresh Europe have said this is not enough action. Philippe Binard, general delegate of Freshfel said: “Obesity can indeed only be tackled if physical activity goes hand in hand with healthy eating habits and a balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables.”

Health costs relating to obesity in the EU are estimated at more than 130 billion annually.

Areflh and Freshfel responded accordingly to Kyprianou in a joint letter urging the EC to consider a similar initiative to the Get Active! campaign to highlight the benefits of eating fruit and vegetables as part of a balanced diet.

“The elaboration of a campaign similar to the Get Active! would be simple to organize, with the support of the EC and a strong partner such as UEFA,” said Jacques Dasque, general secretary of Areflh. “It could have a huge impact on consumption trends through the communication of a straight forward, simple and positive message focusing on the health benefits of increased fruit and vegetable consumption.”
