Freshfel Europe has contacted the European Commission due to concern over the continued strengthening of the euro in relation to the dollar. This negatively affects a number of EU exporters operating on third country markets.

The importance of fresh produce exports is clear. In 2001, fruit and vegetables generated a turnover of over €3.3 billion and exports help to alleviate excess supplies on European markets, which have been stagnating in recent years. EU exporters also face competition from their US counterparts on a number of important growth markets, such as the Far East.

Apple and pear exporters have alerted Freshfel regarding the difficulties they are having in finalising contracts for the 2003-04 export season.

Freshfel has urged the Commission to reconsider EU export support mechanisms and to review existing promotion tools with a view to reinforce the presence of EU produce on third country markets. Such move would enable exporters to be well prepared the forthcoming export season.