Freshfel Europe welcomes the EU enlargement

President of Freshfel Europe Kai Krasemann said: “We are looking forward to represent the interest of an industry covering the new reality of Europe and involve the representatives from new countries in our association as soon as possible.”

The Brussels-based association acts for over 160 members across the Europe and has been developing links with companies and associations from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Cyprus and Malta to ensure they play an active role in Europe’s fresh produce sector. “The enlarged single market will offer new opportunities for the European fresh produce trade and its suppliers both in the EU and in third countries,” said Krasemann.

The first opportunity for members of the EU-25 fresh produce sector to meet and discuss issues such as the formation of the largest trading block and the implications for the fresh produce sector will be at Fresh2004, the annual industry conference to be held in Venice on 2-4 June.
