Vivaldi has a one-in-four shot at the title

Vivaldi has a one-in-four shot at the title

Four companies have been shortlisted in the fresh produce category for the Quality Food Awards.

They are: Kanes Foods, for its Asda Extra Special Baby Watercress, Sainsbury's, for its Taste the Difference 4-pack Vivaldi Bakers, Fresh Link Marketing for its Sainsbury's Taste the Difference British Vittoria Tomatoes; and G's Marketing, for its Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Bunched Beetroot - Choggia Beetroot.

A 60-strong judging panel took two weeks to taste their way through more than 700 entries, according to organisers.

Sainsbury's Taste the Difference takes three of the four slots, which was put down to the general rise in supermarket own-brand products.

“This year's shortlist offers a true reflection of how producers are answering consumers call for genuine and honest quality foods,” said a press release. “Whilst supermarket own brands are clearly very high in terms of quality their position is being challenged by the rise in quality products from smaller independent producers which, in turn, could mark a sea of change for the grocery industry as a whole.”

The Quality Food Awards have been running for 28 years. The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in November.
