Following news last week that consumers are looking for snacks that are both convenient and healthy, scientists in the US may have come up with a solution - an all-fruit snack bar that can stay fresh for two years.

According to scientists from the California-based Agricultural Research Service (ARS), they have found a way to keep snack bars ‘moist and chewy’ for up to 24 months without the need for artificial preservatives.

The snack bars, which are made from organic apples and berries, were developed by food technologist Tara McHugh, and agricultural engineer Charles Huxsoll. The scientists worked to perfect a technique for processing fruits and vegetables into convenient bars that can be enjoyed year-round.

After two years of R&D, ARS was able to licence the technology to food processors, the first of which to use the technique was Mountain Organic Foods, who will market the bars under the Bear Fruit Bar brand.

The bars are now available in apple-blueberry, apple-cherry and apple-raspberry bars in California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho.

In a statement, the ARS said: “The bars make a healthful, convenient snack that slips easily into a child’s lunch sack, or an adult’s purse or briefcase. The bars are also handy for taking along on a camping or backpacking trip, or other outdoor adventure.”