Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc has announced the acquisition of Polish-based Expans, a leading distributor of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Expans markets a broad range of produce including bananas, citrus, tomatoes and grapes and in 2002 sales hit $110million through its distribution facilities across Poland. The acquistion builds on Fresh Del Monte's increasing strength in Europe and positions the company for continued growth in the central European markets.

Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and chief executive officer of Fresh Del Monte, said: “In Poland and other central European markets, the growing consumer demand for fresh fruit and vegetable makes it a very exciting opportunity for the company. This acquistion also demonstrates our continued focus on diversifying our operations geographically and expanding our European presence.”

The company now intends to establish a foundation in Poland, and the broader European region, and to export fresh vegetables from Poland to its distribution facilities and fresh-cut operations in the United Kingdom and northern Europe.