Bill Davies

Fresh addition cuts mustard in Berlin

The new Freshconex trade fair for fresh-cut convenience products was launched alongisde Fruit Logistica, and the three-day event featured 62 exhibitors from 14 countries.

The exhibitors covered 2,400m² of exhibition and gained instant momentum from its positioning alongside the more established event.

According to organizer Messe Berlin, 15 per cent of the trade visitors to Fruit Logistica “demonstrated a keen interest” in fresh-cut convenience products.

“Exhibitors at Freshconex reported excellent commercial results from the first day on and said that they managed to develop good professional contacts that will help boost post-trade fair business,” said a release.

The first Freshconex Congress, which was held the day before the new trade fair, covered market analysis, opportunities and perspectives in the fresh-cut convenience industry.

Organised jointly by Market Intelligence and the United Fresh Produce Association, the congress focused on two key sectors of the industry: food retailing and food services. Bill Davies of Marks & Spencer called on fruit and vegetable producers to start with seeds and to create their own varieties for the convenience market.