French organic supplies have been in excellent shape since the start of the year, according to Peter Davis, of Lincolnshire-based importer-exporter Davis (Louth) Ltd.

“Organic cauliflower supplies from Brittany have been of very good quality so far, thanks to stable weather conditions,” he told FPJ. “There are still another four weeks before the end of the season, and we are optimistic.”

The firm’s organic cauliflower supplies have doubled year upon year.

The company recently received its first supplies of French organic courgettes. “Our two suppliers of this product have really pushed the boat out, and quality this season is very high,” said Davis. “I am also very optimistic for the upcoming French stonefruit campaign.

“The French are very vigilant about maintaining certification standards when they have been implemented, and they follow the rules by the book, which is great news when it comes to organics,” he explained.

Davis (Louth) is also trialling French organic tomatoes, with supplies available from now up until the end of September or October. “These have a great taste and are very resistant to disease, and we are looking at developing them for both UK retail and also our box scheme supplies,” said Davis.

In addition, the firm exports organic product to Norway, Denmark, Austria, Germany, Spain, Holland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, in its own boxes, which are also labelled with the Select Lincolnshire brand.

“This has really helped to promote our region in overseas markets,” added Davis.