Arnold Weislo and Annabelle Delaval

Arnold Weislo and Annabelle Delaval

Chronoprint of France, a publisher specialising in recipe books that also runs the Freshlegumes website, has launched its ‘How to cook fresh vegetables simply nowadays’ recipe book in the UK.

The book, written by Arnold Weislo and Annabelle Delaval, founders of Chronoprint, provides 95 ideas that are simple and easy to follow for preparing 20 common vegetables, along with relevant nutritional information.

The book addresses many contemporary food issues under a chief concern: "How can I find simple, straightforward information so as to be able to integrate fresh vegetables into my daily diet, without making it dreary and boring?"

It includes recipes for white beans, cucumber, pumpkins, aubergines, tomatoes, mushrooms, courgette, celeriac, celery, cabbage, potatoes, asparagus, carrots, cauliflower and broccoli, chicory, fennel, green beans, turnips, peppers, and leeks. It includes 47 vegetarian recipes and 24 vegan recipes. All the recipes can be made using simple, store-cupboard ingredients.
