Production of Guyot is concentrated in the Provence region which did not suffer the April cold snap that has affected the Loire Valley and northern Rhône Valley around Valence.
However, although Guyot volumes have not been affected Williams, which is grown not only in Provence but also in regions affected by frost, will be down slightly on last season's levels. This will therefore affect the total volume figure for French summer pears.
French national pear section president Michel Fabre told the Journal that temperatures in Provence have been high, however. 'It has been very hot for over a month now,' he said. 'But pear growers have irrigation systems so the drought-like conditions have not been a problem for us.' The warm dry conditions are also helping fruit quality by keeping pest and disease incidence to a minimum.
The Guyot harvest began just last week with growers starting to pick in volume just as the Journal went to press. 'Volumes are gathering steam now,' said Fabre, 'and the season is just a few days behind on a normal year.' The Williams harvest is not due to start until around August 10.
Fruit size is slightly small at this early stage in the season, but overall Fabre expects the profile to be in line with recent averages and fruit availability in the 65-70mm range to be strong.
Progress is also being made in integrated crop management with protocols now having been brought into line with those for apples.