Williams: 18 per cent down

Williams: 18 per cent down

French pear producers are expecting a 14 per cent decrease in year-on-year volume this season.

The industry is experiencing a fall in acreage as grubbing of orchards takes place against a background of diminishing returns, although the country’s biggest pear production region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur has registered a small increase this year.

There will be 18 per cent fewer Williams pears this year than in the 2004-05 season

And across the basket of varieties, production will be down. Weather problems have hit hard; in Rhône-Alpes, form instance, frost and snow during flowering affected all varieties; and in Aquitaine, the production of Comice pears fell because of problems during the flowering period.

The fall of 14 per cent represents a seven per cent drop on the five-year average. Producers are still describing quality as “good”.