Prince de Bretagne's tomatoes

Prince de Bretagne's tomatoes

SICA, a leading French vegetable co-op, remains upbeat despite suffering a setback on its proposed €100 million logistics project.

A court ruled an immediate suspension on SICA's construction of a new logistics hub in Brittany, following a complaint by a local residents group.

The proposed logistics hub, covering 7 hectares, would be the focal point of SICA's packaging and distribution facilities.

“The project is being held up over an administrative issue and in no way has the project been called into question; we are confident all will be resolved,” a SICA official told FPJ.

The court ruling underlines that planning permission for the project will only be granted if land use regulations are revised.

SICA, which markets its products under the Prince de Bretagne brand, posted a turnover of €212 million in 2011.