Buyers met to enjoy proceedings on Centre Court. L-r: Mark Collins (Univeg), Francisco Amores and Robert Moser (dps)

French apricot volumes soaring

The French summer fruit season could be a remarkable one after reports that apricot volumes are rocketing and presence on the UK market is increasing.

Apricot volumes have increased by 115 per cent on 2008 and are comparing favourably to the bumper crop of 2006, as the French enjoyed a perfect kick-off to the season last month.

Daniel Soares, international export manager for French summer fruits, told FPJ: “The weather was in favour of the crop this year; [the crop] was destitute of frost - the worst threat [to] fruit producers.

“Comparing figures to the 2006 season, which was a great crop, it sounds like we are getting back on the track.”

Apricot volumes look set to reach 173,000 tonnes, while peaches and nectarines are forecast to rise 16 per cent to 326,014t. The production of melons looks set to remain constant at 263,000t.

“The product which is selling the most for French producers is apricots - the competition is less important and we have [high] quality products,” said Soares. “On the other side, plums and nectarines are massive [but] they belong to a really fragmented market.”

The season is backed by a considerable marketing campaign for French summer fruits, under the strapline Joie de Vivre, organised by French interprofessional association Interfel.

French summer fruits hosted supermarket suppliers of French fruit, including suppliers to Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and Morrisons, for a day at Wimbledon’s centre court.

Chris McCurrach, procurement manager for stonefruit at British & Brazilian, told FPJ: “I think opportunities to meet other industry professionals, in both the production and import businesses, are always useful. You can always learn something - for example about new varieties or packaging options - whenever you talk to other people. It helps to challenge the way you look at the market and the supply chain.”