According to Vincent Guérin of the French national apple section, both the French domestic and export markets are strong. 'The cold snap across parts of Europe has relaunched consumption very nicely,' said Guérin.
Although French stocks are slightly higher at this point in the season than last year, Guérin reports an active market with Gala, Granny Smith and Braeburn being particularly dynamic. Movement of Red and Golden Delicious is progressing more slowly.
But the good news is that the long-term supply situation for Golden Delicious is evening out. 'There are now fewer orchards growing the variety and we are in a position where we can expect a market in which supply and demand are evenly matched over the next few years.' The more sluggish movement of French apples early in the campaign, due to an overhang of southern hemisphere fruit, has been shaken off and an abundance of smaller sizes has not affected the French rhythm, and has favoured the UK.
The European market situation this season is also coloured by stocks in Italy which are roughly 20 per cent down on last season. This is despite a larger harvest in 2002. It is mainly due to brisk sales movement at the start of the season because of a large forecast crop that turned out to be lighter in volume.