French apple players merge

French apple heavyweights Valdipom and Loire Export have merged to form ValdiLoire, which will start trading on 1 September.

The Loire Valley-based companies will join forces under the leadership of managing director André Pavin, combining Valdipom’s focus on new bicoloured varieties with its long-term trading partner and export specialist Loire Export, founded in 1978.

This will represent a combined apple potential of 40,000 tonnes and 1,000 acres of production.

Bobby Barton, who joins from Loire Export, told FPJ: “The two companies have a long history of trading together. We share the same values and the same view of the apple industry. There is a synergy between us that is evident. Apple growers of Valdipom are among the top technical apple growers in France.

“For its part, Loire Export, with its procurement expertise, provides in-depth knowledge of tricky overseas markets like the Far East and far out destinations like Russia. The export market is increasingly complex and in order to meet the rigorous particular demands of specific countries, you need both sales potential and capacity to be heard. Loire Export boasts 30 years of trading experience in more than 30 countries worldwide.”

The firm, which has British Retail Consortium and Tesco Nature’s Choice-approved packhouses, supplies a number of the major multiples, discounters and packers but has maintained a strong connection to the wholesale sector with its Smash-branded apples.
