French fruit offers many competitive advantages

French fruit offers many competitive advantages

French apple shippers have been urged to grab by the bull by horns and reclaim their rightful position in the UK marketplace.

Ubifrance, the French embassy’s agency for international business development, invited a delegation of French apple exporters to visit the UK last week, during which they toured Spitalfields wholesale market in London, visited importers and retailers, and attended a one-day seminar on the state of French apple exports to the UK.

Although the pro-British movement is strengthening in the UK - making promotion of French apples through the Oui to Le Crunch campaign increasingly important - the food miles debate offers France a competitive advantage in the UK over other exporting nations, seminar delegates heard.

Peter Davis of importer Davis (Louth) said: “The people we work with in France are doing an excellent job, but I want to keep pushing you on and challenging you. If we keep our eyes fixed on the UK market, we can go forward.

“To supply the UK, quality and traceability are paramount. It is also important to spend time with your customers in the UK and get to know them.

“UK product is favoured, but it is clear that UK supplies cannot meet demand - and France is the nearest country to the market, which is very important with issues like fuel prices and the footprint.”

Hélène Baillon, head of the fruit and veg department at Ubifrance Paris, said: “Apples are a part of our history, and we have historic links with the UK. The three elements to concentrate on for the UK market are surprise, seduction and innovation, along with making sure you have all the necessary certifications.”

Davis also urged French growers not to feel threatened by growers in Poland and other eastern bloc nations. “Five years ago, Poland found it impossible to export to Russia, but now that market is open to them, and they will naturally send to there instead,” he said.

“The future is good - just focus on the UK market and how you want to break it. The French apple market will grow in the UK - there is no doubt about it.”