French and Italian top-fruit growers have united in calling for calm and order in the marketplace in the face of low pricing in the first part of their season.

Growers’ representatives from both countries met in Paris at the end of last month under the auspices of French top-fruit association ANPP and Italian body Assomela.

Following their meeting, they issued a joint statement: “Assessments are the same throughout Europe: prices, which are well below cost, and at which growers are forced to sell their fruit, are not in keeping with basic market principles.”

Growers in both countries, which between them account for 35 per cent of EU apple production, are suffering the effects of imbalance in the marketplace last season, as well as fiscal and financial pressures and a slow start to the campaign in terms of consumption and export constraints.

The statement read: “The prices being offered to producers today do not justify the reality of the season, which promises to be well balanced: supply is not too abundant… fruit has not suffered hail damage… news from export markets is good... and consumption, which has been stable for several years, has had a temporary setback at the beginning of this season, but all indications are that consumers should return to apples this winter.”

Producers are calling on the whole apple supply chain to restore calm to the market and a fair price.