Freight Best Practice has published a new case study entitled Owner Drivers and Small Fleet Operators: Simple, Cost Effective Ways to Improve Efficiency.

With 85 per cent of fleets having five vehicles or fewer, the programme looks at this large section of the industry’s specific demands and develops this to help smaller operators understand the range of actions an owner-driver or small fleet operator can take to improve efficiency.

The case study illustrates how three small operators; N.R.D Transport, Logiq UK and Riverford Organic Vegetables have managed to save nine-15 per cent on fuel bills by implementing low cost, best practice measures that are simple to put in place.

The measures taken to achieve these savings cover vehicle utilisation, vehicle specification, information technology and performance management.

The Owner Drivers and Small Fleet Operators case study and all Freight Best Practice publications are available free of charge as it has support from the Department for Transport (DfT) and is managed by Faber Maunsell to promote operational efficiency, safety, journey time reliability and CO2 reductions within freight operations.

The programme identifies and disseminates best practice and offers impartial information, support material and guidance on saving fuel, developing skills, equipment and systems, performance management and all sizes of operations.