Free British strawberries for kids

School children across the west Midlands will be tucking into fresh British strawberries for free from this week.

According to British Summer Fruits, more than 235,000 four to six-year-olds will receive more than 110 tonnes of locally grown fruit under the National Fruit and Vegetables for Schools scheme.

The group said that between now and July 2005, more than 2.5 million school children will have the opportunity to try strawberries as the programme rolls out.

Next week around 163,000 children in the east Midlands will get a fruit delivery. The scheme will then restart next June supplying berries to the rest of the country.

Patrick Holford, founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, said: “Strawberries are particularly beneficial to school children as they boost energy levels and aid memory and concentration.”

BSF will also be providing schools with information leaflets about strawberries which explain how and where they are grown and why they are so healthy and good to eat.