FPJ production manager Sheila Rawlings is to shelve her keyboard, shut down her Mac and hang up her mouse as she retires today after an incredible 32 years, 11 months and two days at Lockwood Press.

Rawlings started at Lockwood Press as a layout assistant for what was then the Fruit Trades Journal, putting into practice the skills learnt at Medway College of Art & Design.

She has held various roles at Lockwood Press but it has been in graphic design and the layout of the journal’s weekly pages, annual deskbooks and directories and occasional supplements - some 100,000 pages in total - that her skills have been most valued.

FPJ editor Michael Barker said: “Sheila will be hugely missed at FPJ. Her commitment to the magazine over almost 33 years is astounding. We thank her for all her hard work and wish her a long and happy retirement.”