Alex Lawson

Anna Sbuttoni

Anna Sbuttoni

FPJ is delighted to announce a number of promotions within its editorial team.

Features editor Anna Sbuttoni becomes deputy editor, while news journalist Alex Lawson has been promoted to news editor.

Sbuttoni has worked at FPJ since 2006 and Lawson since 2008. This week’s promotions follow that of Elizabeth O’Keefe, who has added the title FPJ conferences co-ordinator to her writing responsibilities.

FPJ editor Michael Barker said: “These very well deserved promotions reflect the hard work and dedication of the team and come at an exciting time in the history of FPJ.

“We are building up our regular series of regional conferences and in the next few months will be introducing some new elements into the magazine that we think the readers will find an informative and welcome addition.”