This week a great era comes to an end. After years of happy memories and unforgettable times the moment has finally come to bid farewell to something beautiful.
But enough about Victoria Pendleton’s retirement from cycling. FPJ is moving office, and after three and a half decades, we are relocating to a new, purpose-fitted home just down the Wandsworth Road here in Vauxhall.
How times have changed since we moved into Market Towers, as Chris White and David Shapley recall on pages 26-27, and the trade now is markedly different from what it was back then. And yet many of the names that were at the forefront of driving innovation all those years ago have endured and are still prospering today, a sign that tradition and modernisation continue to go hand in hand in this industry.
Our email and phone contact details remain the same, but if you want to send us something by mail then please note our new postal address.
Vauxhall is changing, with Market Towers soon to be replaced by something even bigger and shinier, the US embassy moving in and, of course, the regeneration of New Covent Garden Market. We look forward to being a part of it and observing the continued evolution of the area.