The Fresh Produce Consortium says it is investigating opportnuities in the media, after the BBC said it is axing a vital slot on the Tuesday lunchtime Jimmy Young Show on Radio 2, after more than 30 years. The FPC had prepared the script for Tony di Angeli's 1pm section of the show, in which he presented weekly information for listeners on fresh fruit and vegetables (as well as fish and meat).

The FPC took over responsibility for the script three years ago when it assimilated the activities of the Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Information Bureau. But the slot will be cut when Octogenarian Young retires in January 2003. Di Angeli will stay on the show in its new format, hosting a new question and answer session about food.

FPC ceo Doug Henderson said the changes were a 'real loss', as it was the only media programme into which the trade organisation had direct regular input.

It is surveying local and national radio and television programmes and seeking discussions with producers to look for new media opportunities.