An evening that will bring together the vibrancy, colours and flavours of Mexico is planned for the Fresh Produce Consortium’s (FPC) 64th annual dinner on January 30, 2010.

Anglian Business Solutions will be the major sponsor for the event for the third year running alongside ProMexico, as the fresh produce industry celebrates its links with Mexico.

Jim Rogers, president of the FPC, said: “We are delighted to be hosting guest nation Mexico in 2010 following a fabulous evening earlier this year with the minister, ambassador and our friends from Kenya.

“The FPC annual dinner is a great occasion in our industry’s calendar and a wonderful celebration of great trading relationships. We are grateful to our sponsors for their support of this special event.”

The evening will combine English traditions with the style and culture of the guest nation, with entertainment by a Mariachi band, floral displays, fine wines and tequila, as well a Mexican menu.

It will be held at the Park Lane Hotel, Piccadilly, London, which provides a beautiful Art Deco ambiance to the evening.

Held on the Saturday before Fruit Logistica, the dinner will see UK importers and their global suppliers to get together and enjoy a great industry occasion.

Tickets are £115 + VAT; for further information contact the FPC.
