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The Fresh Produce Consortium has set out its wishlist for the UK government's Brexit negotiations.

The trade body, which has produced a briefing document outlining the conditions that would lead to a healthy and sustainable fresh produce industry post-Brexit, said the government needs to focus on the issues of exchange rates, labour, trade, regulation and funding.

In particular, it said that the devaluation of sterling is creating an unsustainable trading environment, warning that increased costs could ultimately reach the consumer.

“The UK fresh produce industry operates on slim margins, and the recent slump in sterling is causing significant pressures with increases of around 15 per cent in costs,' said chief executive Nigel Jenney. 'Suppliers are working hard to continue to minimise the impact, but unless the UK government restores confidence and stability quickly in the UK economy it’s inevitable that in the near future these costs will eventually filter through to the UK consumer.'

The FPC also wants to see more clarity for EU workers and the provision of a future workforce, as well as beneficial trade agreements that will provide a seamless transition post-Brexit with EU and global trading partners.

It has called for an efficient and effective regulatory framework that reduces the burden on industry, and assurances that government funding will help maintain UK grower competitiveness.

“We recognise both the challenges and opportunities of a future outside the European Union, but it’s vital that our UK government works now with us to set the path for a positive future for the thousands of people employed in our industry, both UK citizens and much needed workers from the European Union and overseas. The FPC is striving on behalf of its members to make sure that their voice is heard,” Jenney added.

“The viability of many UK businesses depends on instilling confidence now in the UK market for investors and getting the detail right for future trading and regulation. Our UK government must have a sound understanding of our sector, and demonstrate greater clarity on its proposals so that together we can secure a strong future for our industry and the UK consumer.'