The Fresh Produce Consortium has called for balance in the debate surrounding uplift in public sector sourcing of UK produce, following the publication last week of new DEFRA statistics.
FPC ceo Nigel Jenney said: “Before the Conservative Party lays claim to the potential for the UK to become totally self-sufficient in a wide variety of fresh produce, it needs to take a reality check. The UK is more self-sufficient now than before and after the Second World War, with over 74 per cent self-sufficiency in agricultural produce, which we are able to grow in the UK. Yet we cannot produce all our fruit and vegetables in the UK. Around 60 per cent of fruit and vegetables are imported into the UK, providing us with produce outside the UK season, but by far the majority is varieties, which simply cannot be grown in the UK.
“…In reality the UK’s climate will always limit the range of produce which can be grown here, which is why imported produce is a key component to the nation’s healthy eating habits.
“Whilst Peter Ainsworth MP admirably calls for support for the British grown produce sector he should also consider that there are many successful UK businesses involved in importing fresh produce, equally providing jobs and security in the UK. Indeed, many businesses today are fully integrated and use both UK and imported produce.
“We should not look to limit the variety of fresh fruit and vegetables available to consumers in their work environment or when recovering in hospital. Instead we need to encourage UK consumers to eat 5-a-day from a wide variety of fresh produce, regardless of origin.”