The proposed user group would be set up to provide an interface between FPC members and the main compliance schemes – Valpak and Biffpak. 'We would then be able to challenge effectively the costs and benefits from these schemes,' the FPC said in a statement.

But the consortium will not be setting up its own compliance scheme, despite calls for this from its membership. 'This is not considered to be the best option,' said a spokeswoman. 'The preferred option is to have choice between competing compliance schemes backed up with a strong user group.' However, the FPC will continue to maintain its ready reckoner giving businesses the choice between a full date submission from their own records or one using the information in the ready reckoner.

The legal issues relating to ownership of packaging and the implications of a recent VAT ruling from HM Customs and Excise have been taken up with the Environment Agency's solicitor. 'We have been and we continue to press him for clarification on how the regulations should be interpreted in light of this ruling,' said the spokeswoman. 'This is particularly important with the final date of registration two weeks away.' The FPC is organising a seminar later in the year to report on and discuss the packaging waste issue. In the meantime, members interested in joining the user group should contact the FPC at