Produce Global Solutions (PGS) has launched a new mushroom range in response to consumer demand.
The range, Found!, is centred upon the idea of discovering new varieties of mushrooms from around the world and targets the ever-increasing resurgence in home cooking.
Launched at the Speciality and Fine Food Fair in September and set to feature in supermarkets from October, Found! products are all ethically and responsibly sourced.
The mushrooms will be sourced from central Europe, Spain and Portugal, with the possibility of supplies from South Africa, China and Korea following this.
The range includes speciality fresh mushrooms including Baby Shiitake, Anis, King Oyster, Enoki and Chanterelles.
There will also be dried wild mushrooms, porcini and truffle risotto kits. Italian pulses and single clove garlic also feature in the range.
PGS will also look to capitalise on the rise in home growing with Found! grow-your-own mushroom kits - design to deliver mushrooms in just a few weeks.
Found! is the brainchild of PGS managing director Mark Haynes, who has worked in the fresh produce sector for 20 years.
Haynes said: “We wanted to build on the expertise we had already gained with our existing business and create a brand that could extend beyond the mushroom category and encompass many of the other products that nature has to offer.”