GEN Fruit veg assortment

Campaigners have won their fight to save fruit and vegetable stalls at a hospital after NHS bosses confirmed they will be returning by popular demand.

The stalls at Royal Stoke University Hospital were operated on a trial basis last year, with fresh produce sold to staff, patients and visitors.

But, the Stoke Sentinel reports, there were fears that Marks & Spencer and other big-name brands would not allow a 'rival' grocery outlet once they moved into a two-storey building at the main hospital entrance.

Now, though, the University Hospital of North Midlands NHS Trust has revealed it has joined forces with Wolstanton-based Freshview Foods to ensure the stalls can return to Royal Stoke.

There will also be a stall at Stafford's County Hospital run by another local company.

John Simpson, director of estates and facilities, told the Sentinel: 'It's fantastic news for patients, visitors and staff that fruit and vegetable stalls are returning, initially to the entrance of Royal Stoke. The feedback we received about the stalls was that these were an incredibly welcome service and that people were very keen to see them return.'

Director of Freshview Foods, Bill Summerscales, added: 'It's a great opportunity for us to raise our profile.

'We are employing staff there so it's good for employment as well as promoting healthier eating in Stoke-on-Trent.

'It is a chance for us to provide healthy eating options to the people of Stoke-on-Trent.'