A far-reaching food safety initiative for the Chinese fresh produce industry was launched at Asia Fruit Logistica.
FMC FoodTech unveiled its Comprehensive Food Safety Programme, which is designed primarily for the citrus sector, on Wednesday.
The move has the potential to promote exports from China to the rest of the world.
The aim of the project is to ensure that China, one of the world’s largest citrus-producing countries that more than 16 million tonnes produced in 2006, meets the highest international industry standards, including requirements set by the Food and Drug Administration and Chinese Ministry of Health.
FMC claims that its project targets the specific needs of China’s diverse fresh produce operations, from the larger co-operatives to the numerous smallholder producers.
The programme focuses on a range of food safety services, including consulting services to establish good agricultural practices (GAP), hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP), packhouse auditing, and residue and pathogen-testing services.
The post-harvest specialist has steadily increased its presence in the China, from its operation base in Shanghai.
Brian Perkins, FMC business manager for fresh produce technologies, told FPJ: “We want to move our model for food safety and best practice into Asia, to give Chinese producers advice to prevent the over-use of pesticides, and provide residue-testing services.
“Food safety has been a barrier to the growth of Chinese export market, and this project will promote export growth.”
Dr Cheng, research and development manager for FMC, added: “Food Safety is a core value in China, and nowhere more so than in its rapidly growing and evolving fresh fruit industry. FMC has positioned itself in all of China’s major producing areas to provide hands-on expertise in executing our food safety programme.
“We are very excited about the opportunities represented by the Chinese and Asian fruit markets, as standards continue to increase to meet consumer demand.
“China has the potential to set the global standard in fruit safety.”