Florverde, the programme that ensures best working practices and ethical growing conditions for Colombian-grown flowers, has been officially recognised by GlobalGAP.

Following extensive studies and on-the-ground observation for more than a year, GlobalGAP has granted the programme its international seal.

Florverde has also been invited to participate in GlobalGAP’s developments and governing committee that sets standards for agriculture and environmental practices around the world.

August Solano, president of Asocolflores, the Colombian Flower Growers’ Association that founded Florverde 12 years ago, said: “This is a major milestone for the Colombian flower industry and international approval for the work we are doing. For the last 12 years, Florverde farms have been committed to leading the flower industry in social and environmental practices because we know how important it is. Not only do the standard of these two certifications preserve and protect fertile soil and natural resources with the mission to achieve sustainable agriculture but show the world just how good the Colombian flower industry is.”
