The USDA has predicted that there will be an additional 2million field boxes of grapefruit from Florida this season compared to last. This will put further pressure on growers who last season saw average prices for both fresh product and juice fall below production costs.
The figures, released by the Florida agricultural statistics service, forecast 48million boxes, four per cent more fruit than in the 2000-01 crop year. Coloured varieties are expected to total 28million boxes with white fruit taking up the remainder.
These estimates also take into account economic abandonment in Florida's grapefruit groves which means that some 3million boxes of pink and red fruit are likely to remain unpicked in the face of low prices. Economic abandonment is not anticipated of white varieties this year. However, the service concedes that the projection of economic conditions could change as the season progresses. And some growers believe that even more fruit could remain in the orchards if prices are as poor or poorer than last season.
However, the domestic market could get a welcome boost if consumers favour home-grown products as the international war against terrorism continues.