Florida remains upbeat

Florida citrus producers are reassuring UK customers of their crops quality, despite the recent extensive hurricane damage which has reduced the crop by 63 per cent.

The Florida Department of Citrus said that despite the reduced crop, it would still be delivering the highest quality grapefruits and grapefruit juice to the UK.

It said although the region sustained immense damage from one of the harshest hurricane seasons in history, Florida remains the largest grapefruit producing regions in the world.

Dan Gunter, FDOC executive director, said: “The good news is that we still have high quality and great tasting fruit and juice for our customers to enjoy.

“We are committed now, more than ever, to educate consumers on the many health benefits of Florida citrus.”

The USDA crop estimates for Florida citrus released yesterday claimed the grapefruit crop is down 63 per cent on last year.

Robert Norberg, director of economic and market research for the FDOC, said: “The estimate confirms our expectations that the hurricanes caused significant damage to this year’s crop.

“However, we expect to rebound for a strong 2005-06 season and remain the dominant producer of fresh grapefruit.”