Florida citrus bounces back to form

Grapefruit exports from Florida have rocketed this season, the Florida Department of Citrus has revealed, ahead of the close of the 2006-07 season.

Exports soared 80 per cent this season, according to Mike Yetter at the Florida Department of Citrus, and production was up 40 per cent on the 2005-06 season.

Exports to Europe have more than doubled this year, reaching 4.4 million cartons, up from 2.1m cartons last season.

Sendings to the UK more than doubled to between 500,000 and 600,000 cartons this season.

Yetter told FPJ: “The crop was outstanding this year. There have been no hurricanes and we have been able to manage canker and greening.

“This is one of the best crops that we have ever delivered. We are going to be hard pressed to live up this next season.”

Both the pound and the euro have been strong against the US dollar throughout the season, which has resulted in reasonable returns for US growers, Yetter added.

Florida grapefruit will be available in UK stores until mid-June.

The last shipments to Europe were sent last week.