The £1 million 'Never Forgette... Florette' campaign will return on September 9 for seven weeks in ad breaks on GMTV, satellite and cable channels. It is anticipated the 10 and 20 second promos will reach 20 per cent of ABC1 housewives.
Florette's commercial director Mark Newton said: 'Florette is now a year-round brand, with a range of different salad and vegetables for all seasons, so this is a good reason for an autumn campaign.
'Our spring TV ad campaign was a great success, helping us to dramatically raise brand awareness and increase sales. In sales terms we consistently outperform the market, in a sector which itself is showing dynamic growth. Although autumn is not traditionally a peak salad season, we see further opportunities for growth during September and October, and have an exciting range of products scheduled for this period.' Talk Advertising Agency has reprised the 'magic ribbon' theme which was originally seen in the earlier ads. The new series will focus on the salad's ready-to-eat angle.