l-r Graham Ward, chairman of the National Farmers Union board of agriculture, Paul Caddell md of FloraLinc

l-r Graham Ward, chairman of the National Farmers Union board of agriculture, Paul Caddell md of FloraLinc

The new FloraLinc packhouse was opened last week by the Chairman of the National Farmers Union Board of Horticulture, Graham Ward.

FloraLinc's £750,000 investment was achieved with a Defra processing and marketing grant. The packhouse at Moulton, Lincoln comprises of 16,000 square metres, including a cold store loading bay and offices.

On opening the packhouse Ward said: “This packhouse shows how important investment is. I started in the business in 1960 and we didn't bother with packhouses like this. We grew our apples and sold them. These days we have to make the investment. Farmers and growers need to make sure their products are bought first.”
