Chair of Lantra’s Floristry Industry Group, Sandie Griffith, has stepped down after nine years of working with the industry to develop fit-for-purpose training and qualification standards.

As well as being chair of the Industry Group, Griffith heads the management team at Jemini, an award-winning trio of flower shops in Oxfordshire. Griffith said: “I am passionate about training and being chair of the Floristry Industry Group with Lantra was my chance to help ensure that the industry remained professional by working to develop the appropriate skills and training required.”

Floristry Partnership manager David Winn said: “Griffith has been a key part of the Industry Group because of her passion, enthusiasm and determination to do the best for the floristry industry.”

Griffith will remain a member on the group, which works to develop the qualifications and professionalism across industry.

The Floristry Industry Group brings together employers, business owners, training providers, relay organisations to promote the investment of professional training within the industry.
