Recent extreme weather conditions have greatly concerned us all - watching scenes on the TV across the country, from Hull to Tewkesbury, we looked on in shock as whole towns and villages disappeared under water. We are, by nature, a blame culture, and following endless media debates it would seem, yet again, responsibility lies with a lack of foresight and investment by the bureaucrats.
What effect has this had on our industry? Extensive media coverage on the impact on UK crops and the size and scale of inevitable fresh produce shortages for the consumer seems unabating. It is worth noting that many of the industry’s major customers have responded responsibly, as it is essential we ensure the financial stability and viability of all in the supply chain, through this difficult period and going forward.
In light of the above, I was mindful that we should all check our insurance policies to ensure appropriate cover and at the FPC we have not been standing still in this area. Why not use our recommended broker to benchmark your policy? Over the coming months, many companies will review and renew energy contracts, and we have a meeting on September 12 for those with an energy spend exceeding £70,000 and an alternative for those under that amount.
It was good to see members at the recent Soil Association airfreight consultation. I would emphasise that it is imperative the industry responds with a robust and balanced argument to prevent an all-out ban on the use of airfreight. Watch our website for information and let me know your views.
Alex Dinsdale, our new team member, has come from the National Farmers’ Union, where his role included that of organics advisor, and he has wasted no time in settling in, meeting members and getting to know more about the industry. We look forward to introducing him to more of you in the future.
FPC was out and about this month, including a visit to new member, Pangaean Ltd, a freight-handling company operating out of Manchester Airport. We look forward to working with the team and to welcoming other new members.