Fleuroselect has put its gold medal winning introductions from 2002 to 2008 on display in 50 public gardens and trial grounds across Europe, the USA and Asia this summer.

Among the varieties on show will be Syngenta Seeds’ begonia semperflorens ‘Volumia Rose Bicolor’, which impressed with its garden performance throughout the season. The novelty is well branched, with a neat and compact habit.

Delphinium consolida ‘Sydney Light Blue’ by Kieft Seeds Holland won praise for its unique pastel light blue blooms. It is described as an easy to grow professional cut flower with strong and uniform flower spikes.

Clause Tezier’s ‘Rudbeckia hirta ‘Cappuccino’ got rave reviews from Fleuroselect judges. The plant is semi-tall and uniform, has good basal branching and is strong and vigorous. It also features impressive overall garden performance, and produces bronze-brown blooms for a prolonged period of time.

Salvia farinacea ‘Fairy Queen’ is bred by Ernst Benary Samenzucht, an attractive new variety that bears multiple spikes of bicolour blue and white flowers on dark distinctive flower stems from June to October.

And Viola x williamsiana F1 ‘Floral Power’ orange red wing, by K Sahin Zaden, was noted for its outstanding pack and garden performance. It produces continuous masses of flowers on compact, uniform and bushy plants from early on, and continues blooming for an extended period. The petals have bright orange faces and red caps that create a ‘beguiling and strong colour contrast’, according to judges.
