First SA grape forecast shows promise

The forecast for the 2007-08 South African grape season looks promising with regards to quality and the projected volume forecasts are as follows:

Production in Northern Province will fall into the 3.8 million to 4.3m, 4.5-equivalent carton range. Northern Cape growers will harvest between 14m and 16m cartons, and the volume coming out of the Oliphant’s River will be in the 1.5m to 1.7m carton range.

Table grape growers in SA’s Northern Province are almost at the half way mark in the Prime packing period. According to industry association South African Tablegrape Industry (SATI), the season is generally five days earlier than last season.

“The quality of the grapes look good and the weather forecast for the coming week look favourable. Packing is on schedule and volumes are according to estimate,” said a SATI newsletter.

“The Orange River region has been experiencing cold weather and is approximately 7-10 days late on the early cultivars,” said SATI. “Producers in the lower Orange River have started packing whilst the rest of the areas begin packing from week 48.

“The Oliphant River region is about 5 days late on early cultivars. Packing will start from week 48, with volumes starting to increase by week 49.”

The total exported volumes from S.A for the last season was 49.3m. SATI will make forecasts for the later regions - Berg River and Hex Valley - before the end of the month.