How can you produce a piece of marketing that appeals to everyone, offends nobody, and still has the standout to grab attention?
The answer, publicity-minded types will almost certainly tell you, is you can’t. One person’s Michael Bublé is another’s Jedward, so you need to play the percentages and target your particular audience.
When that audience is mums - still the biggest target group for consumer advertising in the healthy-eating segment - the challenges and risks are all the greater.
To find out more, FPJ polled Mumsnet users to establish what they do and do not like to see - and the results make very interesting reading (see pages 18-21). One thing that was crystal clear was that images of semi-naked ladies covered in produce are an absolute no-no these days. Once the industry marketing approach du jour - and with new examples in recent months promoting everything from animal rights groups to coffee - it is clear mothers consider this both offensive and offputting.
Far more important to them is knowing that they are feeding their families with wholesome and fairly produced food - and advice on meal preparation or convenience is also gratefully received.
Industry marketing has evolved to reflect the needs of the modern mother - and the rewards for getting it right are huge.